Cell phone blockers have been in use for quite some time, it was invented to stop the misuse of the cell phone. It is also called a Mobile Phone Blocker. It is used by several government agencies to stop the unfair use of devices like cell phones by people. So today through this article we will try to learn the procedure through which a Cell Phone Blocker or Mobile Phone Blocker works.
The technology behind Cell Phone Blocker
A Cell Phone Blocker or Mobile Phone Blocker works on mobile frequencies. What it does is, that it introduces some disturbances in the same mobile frequencies in which a Mobile Phone Blocker works. The disturbances stop the mobile phones or cell phones in the area from functioning. It is because cell phones are not able to connect to the mobile network on which they work.
The Cell Phone Blocker works on a frequency on which a mobile phone works. The general identification for these frequencies are 2G, 3G, and 4G, and the latest one on the list is 5G. These are the frequencies on which Cell Phone Blocker or mobile blocker works. This technology allows the better connectivity among the mobile phones.
Types of blockers
There are also types of Cell Phone Blockers. The types are two types. The types are that of small Cell Phone Blockers and there are also large Cell Phone Blockers. Here, small Cell Phone Blockers are for covering a small area like a conference hall. On the other hand, large Cell Phone Blockers are those which are used by government agencies. These are generally used to stop the mobile services in a large area to stop some major issues.
Legal Scenario for a Cell Phone Blocker
Other than the above points, another point to note is the legal factor. The usage of a Cell Phone Blocker is governed by the law in several countries. So, it is advisable to use such devices by the law. It is also advisable to check whether the government allows the use of such devices in your area or not. It is because sometimes usage of such devices is a punishable offense in some countries.
At times, there are cases in which the government gives special permission to use devices. But these devices do put a question on the privacy factor of an individual. It also violates the right to freedom, which allows people to freely do whatever they want to do in a democracy.
So, a Cell Phone Blocker is an advantageous device at times. However, its usage remains in doubt. The device is often used in some areas to avoid illegitimate conversations. It is difficult to contemplate whether its usage should be allowed or not, but these devices are by product of the inventions of cell phones. So, there is a need for proper rules and regulations for the use of a Cell Phone Blocker. However, for the time being, these devices are helping in avoiding the practice of illegitimate activities in places like examination halls.
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